
Saturday, March 12, 2011
The Club met at MCL with 14 present. Thanks to Sondra our hostess. Brian opened the meeting. Nancy reported $586.33 in treasury. I read minutes from February.
OLD BUSINESS: Kevin is working on the date for the trip to Ohio. He will contact us.
STATE SHOW BUSINESS; There are 21 dealers this year. THE THEME FOR THE 2012 SHOW IS "LET'S GET REAL WITH BUTTONS" Give new award request to Sharon or Sue Nadin. If no editor is found for Button Box the list of awards will be sent to all members. The class on award 16 is wrong(sorry, didn't get what it was, there will be a notice at the show) Award 3 does need to be labeled, but may be a judgement call at show.(to be safe label) Sharon will revise the tray slips and sign in sheets for next year. Cynthia made 3 big signs for lobby and elsewhere. Cynthia suggested we have a designated photographer at show, Deann volunteered her son, Paul. I asked members to bring raffle prizes to show since Pat and Margaret were not present. Sharon had printed the programs etc and made new signs for dealers.
New Business: Due to Allisonville being closed at 465 exit we discussed a different meeting place for a few months. Nothing was finalized. There are other ways to get to MCL. If you have a centralized meeting place check into it. More discussion to follow.
Peggy suggested we work on competition trays at Club. This will be a good way to learn. Others agreed. Deann suggested we work on trays for National as a club so we can represent Indiana at National. National this year is in Michigan, it was suggested we carpool , anyone interested??? This will be discussed more. Sue suggested we meet with other clubs in Indiana. They have been invited to the picnic, but not too many show up.
Brian said he appreciated the members stepping up to do new jobs.
Sondra had the program on buckles and clasps.  She had many good examples. Thanks Sondra.
We ate, had show n tell and the raffle.
Respectively yours,
Barbara, sec.
 Next meeting April 9 MCL Castleton Sheila and Don hostess, Shelila has program

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