
Tuesday, May 1, 2018
Indianapolis Button Club minutes April 11,2018

We met at Union Chapel with 16 present. Cynthia was hostess and had the program on the
new celluloid classification.
She had many examples.
Sue opened the meeting, no birthdays in April. Margaret reported $615 in treasury.
She spent $50 on new cards.
I read minutes from March.
New business, Ellie reported about the Button Expo in Middlebury on June 23.
There will be educational displays, information, children
activities. Bring historical items, Indiana buttons in May to meeting.
We discussed the awards for 2019. Some were bumped, no final list until fall.
Contact Sharon or Sue with entry suggestions.
You can add award money to entries. Sue suggested we have tray slips prebought.

We had lunch, show n tell and raffle.
Respectively yours,
Barbara, secretary

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