
Saturday, May 14, 2011
The Club met at MCL with 19 present. Brian opened the meeting. He apologized for Debra Kish's actions at the show. He thanked all for successful State Show. Pat Cooper did a great job. We disscussed that a SHow Chairman is still needed for 2013. Sondra Leeds volunteered to try and do the job..."maybe for life if she likes it".
It was recommended that State pay room and board for 3 days for show chair. This will be brought to the attention of the Board.
Peggy Sapp stepped up and volunteered to be Editor of the Button Box.
Sue thanked all for cards and calls.
Meeting changes: Jan will host the June meeting at MCL
Sue will have the picnic at her house July 9 ..there will be a button exchange, bring card table if selling. and a covered dish. Jerry will be grilling. She passed out flyers. RSVP to Sue Nadin.
Nancy reported $600.38 in treasury. She had talked to Deann, who is in rehab from hip replacement, may be home next week.
The road trip to button museum in Springfield may be in September. Sondra will send out postcards about time and day.
Brian will order more business cards to pass out.
Sheila told us about Satsuma buttons and had some examples.
We had show n tell and the raffle.
Respectivly yours
Remember JUNE meeting at MCL, Jan hostess and program on Classifications

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