
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
December IBC minutes
13 of us met at Union Chapel for our pitch-in Christmas party. Margaret was hostess, she got chicken and fruit salad paid for by the club.
Sue wished Happy Birthdays to Saundra and Carol.
I read Nov. minutes which were approved. Margaret reported $854.13 in treasury.
Ways n means money will go to Little Sisters of the Poor/per Margaret.
Dues of $5 due now.
Show business: entry fee will be $5. Ad in Country register Jan-February and March-April. With a letter in M/A which Margaret will write. Sharon making postcards to mail or put in businesses. She needs 2017 award request.
We will make die cut purse ladies cards to sell at Show.
We played a game to exchange our buttons, funny and confusing.
We had the big ways n means which made $104.
Barbara, Sec.
January 13 meeting at Union Chapel Church.

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