
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Indianapolis Button Club Minutes April 14, 2012

The club met at MCL Castleton at 11 AM. There were 13 members present. Vice president Peggy Sapp called the meeting to order. Barb was not present so there was no secretarys report. Nancy reported that we have 835.49 in the tresasury. She has found a new place to buy sleeves and boards. She has ordered some and they will be alittle more expensive then before.
No new business. Carol and Johnnie gave a report on the recent field trip to Bloomington. Carol had some pictures of the buttons on display. Sounded like a very nice trip. They got to tour all of the Sage Museum.
Sharon reported that there were 172 trays entered into competition this year, that was up from last year. However the attendance was down.
Plans are being started for next years show. the theme will be Western Round Up. The dates are March 8,9,10, 2013. will still be held in Columbus IN. We are still discussing changing the location for 2014. Sharon reported that the Marriot at 21st and Shadland would be a good location. Has lots of room and is close to the interstate. She is going to look into the cost and report back.
There was no old bussiness. Johnnie had the program on China Buttons. Show and Tell followed with members showing their competition trays and awards.
Deann announced that the next meeting will be at her house on May 12th. She will serve the lunch.
We adjourned for lunch and the raffle was held as soon as we filled our tummies.

Respectively Submitted,
Betty Bolen
( acting secretary)

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