
Sunday, July 29, 2012
IBC Minutes July 14,2012
The Club met at W 86th MCL with 19 present and 1 guest Nina Olvey, Sue's friend. Sue wished Happy Birthday's. Nancy reported $607.35 in treasury. sleeves are $11.25/dozen cards are 6.00/dozen or 50 cents each She will buy more colored cards. I read minutes from June.
Margaret has volunteered to be Treasurer of State.
There was discussion about the new schedule for judging room.
Pat Cooper had the program on dispelling the "Myth that Grandmother's Button Box is Boring" . She had several books with button stories. We played a button sorting game.
We then had show n tell, ate and the raffle.
Russa, Don and Shelia and Deann had buttons for sale.
August meeting is still at 2370 W 86st MCL.
Barbara, sec

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