
Wednesday, September 28, 2022
IBC minutes July 13
Treasurer Paul Thomas, called the meeting to order, as the only officer present today.
We had several members out sick.
12 members attended and we had 3 guest with us also.
Janice Meyers from Claremont.
Brooklynn and Leah Overman, Paula's granddaughters visiting from Toledo, Ohio.
We dispensed with minutes as Barbara was not in attendance.
Treasurer's report: $535.88 as of end of June.
Paul and Paula were our fill in hosts due to Nina being Ill. They used a patriotic theme and served yummy refreshments.
We had a fun show and tell time. Paul had buttons for sale.
Sondra gave an informative program on "Button Covers" and had some lovely
Examples for us to admire.
Paula gave us an update on the magnet fobs for National. All 400 are beaded and just need the tags that identify them as being from Indiana with our web address. They will be hand delivered to the show to save the postage cost of shipping. Several members stayed after our general meeting to work on the ID tags that will go on the Carabiners with the magnets. It was fun to visit and work together.
Submitted by acting secretary,
Paula Overman

Next meeting October 12, 11am Union Chapel Church lower level. Bring your drink and lunch.

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