
Friday, July 26, 2024
July minutes IBC

The Club met at Union Chapel with 13 present.  Sue opened meeting wishing happy birthday's to Marsha and Dawn.  Thanks to Joyce our hostess, bringing her yummy strawberry dessert.
Paul reported $832.37 in treasury.  He bought flowers for Nina who passed away suddenly on June 22.  She and her kind soul, and button knowledge will be dearly missed.  
Sue told us some weirdest laws in US.  
Sharon said the final award list is out.
Pat had the program on award #1, pictorials representing names of rock bands. She had list of rock bands from 1950's to 2020's.  And slide presentation with button ideas.  Very helpful.
We had show n tell, the raffle and lunch.
Barbara , sec IBC

Next meeting August 14,  11am lower level. Bring your lunch.  Program is Sondra on button books, hostess is Sue.
September meeting is picnic at Sues.

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